
Tuesday @10
Thursdays 10am
A group of about 35 ladies, of varying ages, meeting during term time each Tuesday morning for Fellowship, Bible Study & Prayer. After a short time for coffee, chat and any notices, we split into 4 groups for our Bible Studies. For each session we use a helpful study guide.
Step Out Walking Group
Thursdays 10am
Step Out is a walking group who meet every two weeks on a Thursday morning at 10am. We usually walk up to three miles in the forest with a stop for a short Bible focused talk. We take a leisurely pace and all are very welcome.
Food 4 Thought
2nd Wednesday of the month, 12pm
We are a group of older people who meet together for fellowship, a two course lunch, traditional hymn singing and a reflection from the Bible. We also enjoy quizzes, and similar competitions. We meet once a month – and booking is essential. Please contact the Church Office.
BI-monthly - Last Thursday of the month
A bi-monthly meeting on the last Thursday of the month, essentially to encourage you in your journey after the recent death of a loved one.
Getting out with others whose grief is like yours, when you don’t want to go on your own. Perhaps further along the journey and able to encourage and support you on yours.
We have a diary of visits, afternoon teas, lunches and much more within our beautiful, local area.
To express an interest please contact fran.bowen@poulnerchapel.org.uk
or phone 01425 473388 (church office.)